Salzburg is a fertile region in Austria with many farms that work sustainably with and for nature. The Putzhammer family runs a farm in this region. They have a number of different vegetables and are passionate about caring for them. All products are available in their own farm shop.
They also deliver their regional vegetables and fruits to various customers such as restaurant. To do this, they use their small delivery van, which now represents them and their work with the appropriate design.
The design extends over the two sides and the back of the car. The individual elements and characters in the illustration interact with one another. This underlines the connection of the entire design. The all-over illustration should reflect the family's fun and love for their work and products. The style is eye-catching and has a recognition effect for the public. At the end the design was printed and the car covered with it.
Tasks: Illustration
Client: Hofladen Putzhammer
Car Sticker: Meixner Schriftenwerkstatt
All Rights reserved by Carina Leiki.